number of periodic dimensions (property)

This page documents an OPTIMADE Property Definition. See for more information.

Definition name: nperiodic_dimensions

Property name: number of periodic dimensions
Description: An integer specifying the number of periodic dimensions in the structure, equivalent to the number of non-zero entries in dimension_types.
Type: integer


Explained examples

Query examples:


Formats: [JSON] [MD]

JSON definition:

    "$id": "",
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "number of periodic dimensions",
    "x-optimade-type": "integer",
    "x-optimade-definition": {
        "label": "nperiodic_dimensions_optimade_structures",
        "kind": "property",
        "version": "1.2.0",
        "format": "1.2",
        "name": "nperiodic_dimensions"
    "type": [
    "description": "An integer specifying the number of periodic dimensions in the structure, equivalent to the number of non-zero entries in `dimension_types`.\n\n**Requirements/Conventions**:\n\n- The integer value MUST be between 0 and 3 inclusive and MUST be equal to the sum of the items in the dimension_types property.\n\n- This property only reflects the treatment of the lattice vectors provided for the structure, and not any physical interpretation of the dimensionality of its contents.\n\n**Explained examples**\n\n- `2` should be indicated in cases where dimension_types is any of `[1, 1, 0]`, `[1, 0, 1]`, `[0, 1, 1]`.\n\n**Query examples**:\n\n- Match only structures with exactly 3 periodic dimensions: `nperiodic_dimensions=3`\n- Match all structures with 2 or fewer periodic dimensions: `nperiodic_dimensions<=2`",
    "examples": [
    "x-optimade-unit": "dimensionless"